Asana name: Boat
Pose Prone
Sanskrit name: Naukasan (prone)
Meaning: Boat Pose
General Benefits:
effects on the abdominal area are similar to Dhanurasana but are slightly
increased as the stretch and pull is not transferred to the hands and legs but
is carried by the abdominal area. The body weight is balanced on the abdominal
muscles and they are given pressure so that the intra-abdominal organs, i.e.
stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas and intestines are massaged by the change in
pressure. It also improves the secretions of these organs. It improves the
peristalsis of the intestine and relieves constipation. The blood flow to the
abdominal organs is also improved. Sluggishness of the liver is removed as is
dyspepsia. With regular practice it will reduce the fat around the abdomen and
thigh areas. There is a complete stretch from the fingertips to the toes,
releasing tension in the whole body.
Benefits for Women:
Therapeutic Applications:
Dyspepsia. Anorexia.
Taking the Position:
prone position, stretch the arms in front of the head, resting them on the
floor with the palms joined together, rest your forehead on the floor. Exhale
and while inhaling raise the arms, forehead and chest from the ground and at
the same time raise the legs from the waist, keeping the legs together and
knees straight. Maintain the asana, breathe normally.
Releasing the Positions:
and while exhaling slowly lower the shoulders, forehead, arms and legs onto the
floor. Return both hands to the sides of the body and place the chin on the
ground, returning to Prone position. Relax the body and breathe deeply.
Anatomical Focus:
Anatomical Awareness:
on lower back, buttocks, shoulders
both the legs straight in the knees and toes pointed. Keep both the arms
straight in elbows and palms joined in Namaskar position over the head. Keep
the head between the arms throughout the asana, arms against the ears. Try to
balance on the abdomen. Try to raise the thighs off the ground. Try to raise
the shoulders and chest off the ground.
the elbows or knees. Keep distance between legs or knees.
Precautions & Contraindications:
be completely avoided if you are suffering from diseases of the backbone. If
there is recent abdominal surgery, hernia or ulcer in the stomach this posture
should be avoided. Must be avoided if suffering T.B. Pregnancy and
Variations & Tips:
will be some rocking movement because of diaphragm movements for breathing.
Preparatory Poses:
Bhujangasana. Vakrahasta Bhujangasana. Shalabhasana. Dhanurasana.
Follow-up Poses:
Paschimottanasan. Paschimottanasana. Vajrasana Yoga Mudra Type 1 and 2