Surya Namaskar means worshipping of Lord Sun God. In each of
Indian ancient gym method, Surya Namaskars are performed since time in
memorial. This is such an act which is physical exercise, along with it
religious rite is also connected.
Normally this exercise is to be performed before the rising
Sun. Rising Sun is a sign of brightness. Moreover, when the Sun rises, at that
time every morning it gives signal of new direction. Since this exercise method
is to be performed in front of Sun, Vitamin-D and other substances contained in
the Sun are also received by the body in appropriate proportion.
In Surya Namaskar, totally 12 different positions are to be
taken which gives exercise to each organ and parts of the body. Any
person can perform these acts very easily. By performing Surya Namaskar always
in clean environment and open space, the body gets benefit in proper manner.
The complete description of twelve methods of Surya Namaskar are given under
with picture. In fact, if these twelve acts are performed with different twelve
chants then the mind can also concentrate.
1. Dakshasana:
Method: In
first phase of Surya Namaskar, stand straight in concentrated mind, pray the
Lord Surya Narayan.
2. Namaskarasan:
Method: Join two
hands in such manner that they remain straight, by touching the thumb to the
chest. Take out chest portion little out and enlarge lungs, body-head and neck
should be straight, take deep breath by closing mouth.
3. Parvatasana:
Method: Lift up
hands and stretch them back of the body and take them on rear side. Bend down
back side from waist as much as possible. While bending back, take a deep
4. Hastapadasana.
Method: Without
bending knee, bend from waist towards front and possibly keep your hands in the
manner touching the ground, thereafter discharge in the way by touching your
nose to the knee. Initially, it will do if your fingers dos not touch the
ground. But perform this act with enthusiasm.
5. Ekpad-Prasaranasana:
Method: By taking
deep breath, bend legs from the knew, take right leg knee place it so as to
touch on the ground, stretch left leg thigh on front as much as you can and
lift up the head on the upper side as much as possible.
6. Bhudharasana:
Method: By taking
breath, lift head, stretch waist and back side portion of the body towards
upper side, at that time the ankles should remain stiff. At the time of
complete position, the entire body be kept on both palms and leg fingers.
7. Asthangpranipatasana:
Method: Continue
to discharge breath and by bringing nose, chest and knee in such manner so as
to touch the ground while coming down hit with the floor. Special care be taken
in this act that the chest and stomach do not touch the floor.
8. Bhujangasana:
Method: By
keeping the down portion of the waist in the above position only, start
straightening hands and taking breath, come down from upper side. Bend the
waist in round shape, see upper side as far as possible.
9. Bhudarasana:
Continuing Kumbhaka, without moving the palm and leg fingers, come towards
upper side from waist and if possible allow the bear to touch the chest and
stretch the Nitamb portion towards upward side as far as possible.
Method: From the
aforesaid act only, take left leg ahead and make it supplemental and keep
touched left leg to the ground on rear side, stretch the neck and head on upper
side as far as possible.
11. Hastpadasana:
Method: This
should be practiced as stated in foregoing.
12. Namaskarasana:
Method: By taking
deep breath, stand stiff, both legs and knees should be stiff by touching each
other and by joining both hands, stand up so that the thumb touches the chest.
As I have stated earlier, each exercise of Surya Namaskar is
performed along with different changes, so the said chants are as under:
1. Aum Mitraya Namaha.
2. Aum Ravaye Namaha.
3. Aum Suryay Namaha.
4. Aum Bhanve Namaha.
5. Aum Khagay Namaha.
6. Aum Pushney Namaha.
7. Aum Hiranya Garbhaye Namaha.
8. Aum Marichye Namaha.
9. Aum Adityay Namaha.
10. Aum Savitrey Namaha.
11. Aum Arkaya Namaya.
12. Aum Bhaskarai Namaha.