Mudra Science
The health cannot remain sound of its own but for keeping sound health, the man must procure clean and qualitative food and have a regular outing practice. Thus health cannot be purchased from the market. For keeping health by enlightening eternal conscious its use has to be made. Nature has provided many fold methods to live healthy life, but the man is not aware of all these methods. Therefore, people are penalized. If we have knowledge of such methods and make its use in living the life then we can also live life without vices. So for keeping sound health such scientific methods are provided. It is named as Mudra Science.
Rishi Munis have given us whatsoever methods from their self experience in the ancient times, we should express many thanks to them. Out of these, one method which is also a science, it is a Mudra Science. We should engrave this Mudra Science in our routine activities of our life and this method is very useful and provides sound health.
Our body is made of five substances, as this earth is made of five substances and Naturopathy is such a method in which when any one substance out of these five becomes much or less, at that time diseases arise. Thus, five fingers of our hand expresses these five substances by different finger.
Such as: (1) Finger – Agni Tatva, (containing fire substance) (Tarjani- (first finger after thumb) – Vayu Tatva (containing gaseous substance). (3) Madhyama – Akash Tatva (containing sky substance). (4) Anamika – Pruthvi Tatva (containing earthen substance) and (5) Kanistha (last finger) –(containing water substance).
Example: We see in our day to day life, when any person wants to pass urine, such person says by showing last finger that he wants to go to pass urine. From this I want to only that much that the last finger shows water substance. Therefore, this science proves to be very important. In this science, the experiment of different Mudras is to be made.
After close study of Yoga Sadhana, various Mudras starts arising in the body of professing person automatically. Mudra is a developed form of Asana only. In Mudra act, soul is main. To perform Mudra use of any comfortable Asana be made. Victory can be achieved on disease-death by Mudra study. Further, the power to un-sight, power to be wider, power to develop, power of lighter-ness, power to achieve any thing, whatever presumed would take place, power to acquire control on others and to impress all by oneself is involved in the edge of Mudra act.
As such the numbers of these Asana is unaccountable, similarly Mudras are also unaccountable. However, here a detailed mention of 13 different mudras which are familiar has been made with pictures. So making proper study of these Mudras its experiment should be done in day to day life and receive their definite results.
(1) Dhyan Mudra:
Method: The peak part of Tarjani and Thumb be kept so as to touch each other and keep other fingers straight.
1. Makes brain threads active gives peace to the mind.
2. Increases concentration and memory power.
3. Diseases relating to brain, such as hopelessness, angry nature, anger, laziness, threat, discomfort, etc. gets removed.
4. Controls the flows of Shirstha (head) Glands.
(2) Vayu Mudra:
Method: Keeping the peak part of Tarjani near root of thumb keep the thump up. If this Mudra is done in Vajra Asana than special benefit is received.
1. Very good effect is resulted in gaseous diseases like Arthritis, joint pains, paralysis, weakness of veins, trimming, etc.
2. To remove difficulties like gas, nosea, un-comfortableness after consuming diet and practicing this Mudra by sitting in Vajrasana, lot of benefit is received.
3. Thought gas is removed that means if more thoughts are developing then control is achieved on the same and mind becomes stable.
(3) Akash Mudra:
Method: The peak portion of middle finger and thumb touching each others, becomes Akash Mudra.
1. Since middle finger is related to heart, special benefit is seen in the diseases of heart.
2. Makes good benefit in the diseases of teeth and bones, that is to say, benefit is received in the vices relating to calcium.
3. Difficulties of teeth are removed by this Mudra.
(4) Pruthvi Mudra:
Method: Keeping the peak portion of Anamika finger with the thumb peak, other fingers be kept straight, then only Pruthvi Mutra forms.
1. Weakness and low-power of the body is removed.
2. Increases brightness and revolution of body.
3. This Mudra is best for proceeding in divine direction.
(5) Shunya (Zero) Mudra:
Method: Bending middle finger, keep its peak at the root of thumb, place thumb on it. This becomes Shunya Mudra.
1. For any un-tolerable diseases of ears also this Mudra proves to be very much beneficial.
2. For low hearing, puss developed in the ears and sounding echoes, at such time this Mudra be performed definitely.
3. This Mudra makes the noise clean and neat.
(6) Surya (Sun) Mudra:
Method: Bending Anamika finger touch on root of thumb and place thumb over Anamika and other fingers kept straight. This becomes Surya (Sun) Mudra.
1. The power of fire substance of Anamika is able to grasp very well by Pruthvi Tatva, immediately the feeling of power is experienced.
2. The Surya Nadi situated in the body becomes active in few minutes too.
3. For reducing extra fat and obesity from the body, this Mudra is considered to be very best.
4. As the effect of Agni Tatva is increasing in the body, victory can be achieved on cough prone diseases like cold, Asthama, breathing, sinus and T.B.
5. Digestion power becomes stronger.
(7) Varun Mudra:
Method: The peak of Kanisthika be touched with the top of thumb, give little pressure on the thumb, where other fingers kept straight. This becomes Varun Mudra.
1. As Kanisthika is controlling water substance, the balancing of liquid is done in the body.
2. Slackness is removed from the body.
3. As blood is getting purified, considerable benefit is made in the skin diseases.
4. Since radial change/revolution rises in the body, also increases beauty.
(8) Pran Mudra:
Method: Touch the peak of thumb and top of Anamika and of Kanishthika with each other, give a little pressure by thumb and keep other fingers straight. This becomes Pran Mudra.
1. Out of five main substances of the body, Oxygen is important. By this Mudra, the Oxygen power increases and conscious of person becomes Urdhwagami.
2. Increase in anti-disease attitude takes place and rises body enthusiasm.
3. As Pruthvi is a conjunction of water and fire substance, all obstructions of blood and oxygen are removed.
(9) Apan Mudra:
Method: The peak of middle finger and Anamika be touched with the peak of thumb, keep other fingers straight.
1. The work of Apan (discharging) gas is to make the body clean. The dirt of the body gets removed by Apan Mudra and for removing poisonous substances like urine-stool and perspiration, this Mudra proves as an assistant.
2. Women get considerable good benefit during the course of menstruation period.
3. Gaseous diseases like vomiting, nosea, etc. removed.
4. Low pressure remains under control.
(10) Vyan Mudra:
Method: The peak of Madhyama and of thumb be touched in opposite direction and keeping peak of Tarjani on the nail of Madhyama, give a low pressure by thumb and keep other fingers straight. This becomes Vyan Mudra.
1. As Vyan gas is spread over in entire body, the efficiency of Vyan Vayu becomes rhythmic.
(11) Udan Mudra:
Method: On the nail of Tarjani keep peak of Madhma, touch the peak of Tarjani on the top of thumb and give little pressure by thumb and keep other fingers straight. This becomes Udan Mudra.
1. Area of Udan gas is vocal cord. Therefore, by study of this Mudra, vocal cleanliness is received, because anti-purification circle is located in vocal (cord).
2. Balancing of Thyroid-Para Thyroid glands flows is made from the study of this Mudra.
(12) Saman Mudra:
Method: By touching peaks of all five fingers with each others, keep the hand towards sky. This becomes Saman Mudra.
1. As all substances are gathering, each substance comes under balance.
2. Pressure is developed on the point of Pituitary gland and side by side the point of sinus are pressed too.
Certain rules for Mudra Science
1. Mudra can be performed by person of any caste and age.