In Sanskrit, the meaning of Kapal is scull and Bhati means
to make enlighten. Kapalbhati is best exercise amongst cleanliness act. By this
exercise, brightness comes in the forehead.
Discharge breath in high speed means Kapalbhati. Sit in any resting position,
keep hands in resting state, close eyes. Like pump of ironsmith, start
discharging breath speedily one after another. At the time of discharging
breath, give a jerk to stomach inside. In this act, the exercise of discharging
breath will be done very easily. Since Kapalbhati is very powerful act,
perspiration will start within short time but don’t afraid of it.
Special Note:
At time of pursuing Kapalbhati do not discharge breath with
more speed, otherwise it is likely to cause adverse effect.
1. At the time of Kapalbhati exercise, as the breath is
coming out very speedily, complete carbon dioxide existing in body goes out, by
which flood purification is done and ratio of oxygen increases.
2. At the time of Kapalbhati exercise, as the breath is
coming out very speedily, the Adnya Chakra situated between two eyes becomes
efficient and increases in the working capacity of pituitary glands.
3. Since by Kapalbhati purification of veins is made in good
proportion, the body becomes very much healthy.
4. In Kapalbhati exercise, since the stomach goes inside,
massage is done to the internal organs and benefit is seen in the vices of
Complete body cleaning is done by Kapalbhati.