Asana name: Thunderbolt
Sanskrit name: Vajrasan
Meaning: Thunderbolt Pose
General Benefits:
Alters the flow of blood and nervous impulses in the pelvic
region and strengthens the pelvic muscles. Increases efficiency of the entire
digestive system. It aids in digestion immediately after eating. This is the
only asana that can be practiced after a meal, ideally for ten minutes. It is
an important meditation posture because the body becomes upright and straight
with no effort. The mind and body becomes stabilized and hence it is one of the
recommended asanas for pranayam, concentration and meditation. Stimulates the
vajra nadi and redirects sexual energy. - The special fold of the legs forms a
bandha. This bandha controls the blood circulation from the waist downwards
which is the reason this asana is recommended after Shirshasan. It also means
that there is increased blood circulation in the abdominal area.
Benefits for Women:
Therapeutic Applications:
digestive system
Taking the Position:
sitting position, bend your left leg and bring the foot to the left buttock.
Bend your right leg and place the right foot next to the left foot. Shift the
weight forward onto the toes. Bring your knees to the ground, toes together,
heels apart and sit between your heels. Place the palms of your hands on the
knees. Maintain the asana, breathing normally.
Releasing the Positions:
release the asana, remove the hands from the knees and return them to your
sides. Raise your knees and shift your weight onto your toes. Straighten the
left leg. Straighten the right leg and lower the buttocks to the ground
returning to sitting position.
Anatomical Focus:
region of the spinal column. Lower abdomen.
Anatomical Awareness:
on lower back, buttocks
to breathe normally while in the pose, as there would be a tendency to stop
doing so.
up the whole body while lifting the legs off the ground and maintaining it. The
body should be soft and efforts to be made on relaxing the body.