Tadasana Yoga Steps And Benefits
Tadasana Yoga meaning (also called samasthiti)
Tada means a mountain. It’s the basic standing posture.Sama
means upright, straight, unmoved.Sthiti means standing still, steadiness.Thus,
Tadasana is a pose where one stands firm and erect as a mountain. It’s the
foundation pose for all other asanas.
How to do Tadasana Yoga? – Tadasana Yoga Steps
1. Stand erect with the feet together, the heels and toes
touching each other. Rest the heads of metatarsals on the floor and stretch all
the toes flat on the floor.
2. Tighten the knees, contract the hips and pull up the muscles
at the back of the thighs.
3. Keep the stomach in, chest forward, spine erect and the neck
4. Do not bear the weight of the body either on the heels or the
toes, but distribute it evenly on both the toes.
5. Place the arms by the side of the thighs.
Tadasana yoga
It’s very important to pay attention to the right manner of
standing. Some people stand only on one leg. Others bear all the weight on the
heels. This can be taken into account by watching where the heels and the soles
of the shoes wear out. We acquire specific deformities due to wrong
distribution of weight on our feet which hamper spinal elasticity. It is better
to keep the heel and toe in a line parallel to the median plane. By this
manner, the hips are contracted, the abdomen is pulled inside and the chest is
brought outward. One feels lighter in body weight and the mind becomes
rejuvenated. If the body weight thrown only on the heels, we feel the change;
the hips are not tight, the abdomen comes out, the body is not agile and the
spine feels the strain and as a result we feel fatigued and the mind frame
becomes dull.Thus, it is important to correct the art of standing.
Benefits of Tadasana Yoga:
Improves posture
Strengthens thighs, knees and ankles
Increases awareness
Steadies breathing
Increases strength, power and agility in the feet, legs and hips
Firms abdomen and buttocks
Reduces flat feet
Strength and flexibility of the spine increases
tension, aches, and pains throughout the body
Improves blood circulation
Healthy digestion and elimination
Expels dullness and depression
Leaves you feeling rejuvenated
Harmonizes the body and mind
Increases energy and enthusiasm