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Aumkar means first shape of the universe/earth or first sound heard. The development and creation of Indian culture, practice and thinking is made from the said Omkar sound. Short in size, easier to repeat (Japa) despite that its effects are unlimited and are giving very minute pleasure. By doing/performing Aumkar, Samadhi achievement is made and therefore in the beginning of chants also, the chant is sounded by Aum so that the impression of chant increases many folds. 

Correct method of Aumkar

AUM is made of three letters…..A…U….M.

If the real result oriented benefit of Omkar is to taken then, its pronouncing should be done in the same manner itself.

Step-1:        First of all sit in Padmasan or resting position peacefully. Thereafter, take on deep breath supplement it, thereafter while discharging breath continue pronouncing letter “A”, as long sound survives, more benefit be achieved. Thus, by pronouncing letter “A” waves get created in the stomach easily, which are creating positive effect in each diseases of stomach and vices inside removed.

Step-2:        Thereafter taking deep breath making supplemental start discharging with pronouncing “U”. While pronouncing “U”, waves are created in the throat portion easily. Creates positive effects on throat vices which removes away throat diseases like Thyroid and stammer-ness. 

Step-3:        Thereafter take deep breath make it supplemental and while discharging breath start discharging with letter M. At the time breath discharge by pronouncing of letter “M” waves are created easily on the SAHSTRAR located in the head, which are very much beneficial for internal flow of glands of your body.  Peace is acquired by removing tension from this and better sleep is felt.   

Thus, separate pronouncing of these three letters A, U and M is made and whatever waves are created from it, they are very much beneficial for many more diseases of our body and I give advise in personal capacity that whether you do anything or not, but for practicing Aumkar day to day as stated above my long time experience says only by practicing Omkar also, the body and mind certainly becomes healthy and without vices.