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Ujjayi Pranayama

Firstly sit in Padmasana or pleasant manner. Thereafter, bend the tongue towards rear side of mouth in such manner that its front portion touches with the upper top. Now take deep breathing in throat breath-in by brushing with the breath and voice pipe and close Jalandhar thereafter. Blocking breath as per capacity releasing closed Jalandhar discharge the air by both nestles. Initially this be practiced for 2-3 times, thereafter increased and made for 7-8 times only.



1. Pranayama reduces the heat of head.

2. Positive effect is seen on various organs of body viz. throat, heart and lungs.

3. Since enrichment of hunger is getting active by this Pranayam, improvement is seen in digestion process.

4. Cough, indigestion, fever like diseases are not seen in the person practicing Ujjai Pranayama regularly.