Meridian Therapy
Name of Meridian |
More time for electric flow |
Less time for electric flow |
Lungs |
Morning 3 to 5 |
Evening 3 to 5 |
Bigger intestine |
Morning 5 to 7 |
Evening 5 to 7 |
Stomach |
Morning 7 to 9 |
Evening 7 to 9 |
Spleen |
Morning 9 to 11 |
Night 9 to 11 |
Heart |
Morning 11 to 1 |
Night 11 to 1 |
Small intestine |
Noon 1 to 3 |
Night 1 to 3 |
Kidney glands |
Evening 3 to 5 |
Morning 3 to 5 |
Pericardium. |
Evening 7 to 9 |
Morning 7 to 11 |
Triagni |
Night 9 to 11 |
Morning 9 to 11 |
Pittashay |
Night 11 to 1 |
Noon 11 to 1 |
Liver |
Night 1 to 3 |
Noon 1 to 3 |
Different types of 12 meridians are situated in our body. If the body is divided in two parts than six meridians on right side and six on left side are situated. Thus, the said methods intends to tell us that instead of treating the disease, it is better to prevent the disease. If each act is practiced as per rules of this meridians than the body remains healthy and vice-less. The soul power is continuously flowing in these 12 meridians. Equal soul energy does not flow in each meridians at a time, but at an interval of every two hours the soul energy is since flowing in each meridians, the organ clock in which energy is flowing in different organs is given below:
1. Meridian of Lungs:-
This organ provides oxygen to us, with its help many more activities of body can be performed and if we look closely than it is also an important organ of discharge. For this purpose the nature has decided to provide more and more supply to the lungs during morning time of 3 to 5. Therefore, by awakening early in the morning, Pranayama and other acts relating to breathing should be performed regularly.
2. Meridian of Larger intestine:-
This is an important organ for digestion and discharge. Useless and waste like material except nutrition from the food must be disposed of at an appropriate time. For this purpose the nature has provided more electric power in the morning time of 5 to 7. At that time, we naturally feel to discharge waste, but if we are getting up late than it is called act against wish of nature and stomach does not get cleaned and disease like constipation arises.
3. Meridian of Stomach:-
Stomach is an important organ for the flow of digestion juice-liquid, therefore, the nature has decided to provide power in the morning between 7 to 9 and if we have to take fullest benefit of said digestive juice than the morning snack must be very much nutritious. But our timing or lunch is 1 to 2, when power dies not exist in the stomach and food doest not digest and creation of various diseases takes place.
4. Meridian of Spleen:-
In this meridian it has been decided to provide more electric power during 9 to 11 in the morning. If this meridian is working properly then the disease of digestion organization does not arise and control can be obtained on the vices like diabetes.
5. Heart:-
The ratio of heart disease is increasing today. The high blood pressure difficulties are increasing in persons of lower age group. In view of organ clock, the reasoning behind happening so is that we have changed the time of our food, because the nature has decided to provide more electric power to the heart during 11 to 1 at noon, buy when we consume food during 11 to 11, the electric flow of the stomach is shut down at that time and as food is going into the stomach, the nature has to deliver power there, neither heart nor stomach can get sufficient power and hence the organs become weak and weak day by day.
6. Small Intestine:-
The nature has decided to provide more electric power to it during 1 to 3 in the morning. During this time, the inflow of digestive juice can be made in better manner. Therefore, if the food is consumed during the course of 9 to 11 than the benefit of this electric flow can be received and therefore it is said that when soul energy starts in the small intestine and one has not received the food than the power becomes useless and therefore, we are not able to digest the food and becomes a raw acidic substance and the said raw acid gets collected in the concerned joints and creates diseases.
7. Meridian of Kidney:-
The nature has decided to provide more electric power to this organ during 3 to 5 in the noon. After performing appropriate Asana, the kidney is performing the task of separating liquid substances by screening process. Therefore, if the time is running accurately than the kidney would do its job in proper manner, but it is not happening so then pressure is fastened on the kidney and diseases of kidney arises.
8. Bladder:-
The nature has decided to provide more electric power to this organ in the evening during 5 to 7. But if any thing goes wrong than the diseases relating to bladder i.e. regeneration organization arises.
9. Pericardium:-
The nature has decided to provide more electric power to this organ in the evening during 7 to 9. The work of said meridian is to control the temperature of heart and body. Therefore, the activities of pleasure, entertainment and recreation should be performed during this period.
10. Triple Warmer:-
The nature has provided more electric power to this meridian in the night during 9 to 11. At that time such acts be performed so that mind remains joyous. This is an appropriate time for sex.
11. Spleen:-
The nature has decided to provide more electric power to liver at night during 11 to 1. During this time, all other organs of the body are getting very lower power, when no any such organs work, this specific organ works at that time.
12. Liver:-
It has decided to provide more electric power at night during 1 to 3. During this time, the nature also draws back the power from the brain, so it is very much necessary that we should get sleep. Liver is considered as a chemical factory of our body. Liver manufactures chemicals to the tune of about 500 and has performed maximum work during night time only.
Thus, if each of the aforesaid activities is followed as shown above per organ clock by observance of time table than disease never comes into the body.