How to do Sarvangasana
Follow these easy steps to do sarvangasana. After finishing
practice go to Savasana (Corpse Pose).
1. Lie on the carpet with legs together.
2. Raise the legs to an angle of 90 degree. Now press the floor
with your palms, lift the waist and bring the legs forward. Then keep them
vertical to the ground.
3. Bend the hands, hold the waist with the palms, balancing and
raise the legs to an angle of 90 degree to the floor. Body and legs should ne
straight vertical to the floor.
4. The whole weight of the body resting on the shoulder blade and
adjust if it is not straight. Rest the elbow on the floor with palms supporting
the body.
5. Maintain the pose up to 50 or to 100 counts. Eyes should see
the toe nail. Legs should not move.
6. Lower the legs toe and back. Take the hands from the back and
place it on the floor. Briskly bring the back to the floor, the legs and lie
7. Take rest and do it again. After finishing two rounds do savasana
(corpse pose).
Health Benefits of Sarvangasana
These are the most important health benefits of sarvangasana.
1. Blood circulatory system, respiratory system and digestive
system will be vivified.
2. While practicing this yoga pose more blood flows into throat,
thyroid gland will be invigorated.
3. Sexual disorders are cured easily.
4. It rectifies disorders in ears, nose and throat.
5. Diseases at the bottom and around the heels are cured.
6. Hair loss and premature graying of hair are put to end or
7. Diseases caused in and around groin (also called as hernia)
area will be cured.
8. Practise sarvangasana regularly decrease or increase body
weight and maintains the perfect body weight.
9. Menstrual disorders, frequent abortions, leucorrhoea and
barrenness in women are also cured.
10. Chronic patients will recover their loosed strength.
11. Kidney disorders are cured and urinary bladder is also made to
function properly.
12. Regular practice of this yoga pose brightens the eye sight,
diminishes dimness in hearing and improves the power of smelling in nose.
13. It purifies blood. Hence leukemia and such other skin diseases
are easily cured.
14. Shrinking of skins,
wrinkles in face, aged look and stiffness are refreshened and skin begins to
15. Masturbation and loss of seminal fluid through night wetting
and other ways are brought into control and helps to restore their health to
16. Asthma, liver disorders, intestinal disorders, constipation,
diabetes, varicose veins and insomnia are cured.
Those who have affected by these following problems should avoid
practice this pose.
1. High blood pressure
2. Heart problems
3. Middle ear trouble
4. Capillary
5. Weak age
6. Spondylosis
7. Slipped disc
For weak or old age people practice viparithakarani as an
alternate for this yoga pose and gain all the benefits of sarvangasana.
Useful Tips:
1. Those who could not raise their body can practice it using
2. It is not good to practice this yoga pose facing east or west.
So practice this pose by keep your head towards north is beneficial.