word Plavini is derived from Plu Dhatu (metal) in Sanskrit. Plavi means
Sit at a clean and peaceful place pleasantly. Take a deep breath make it
supplemental, fill up said breath in stomach portion, keeping it for some time,
make Antar Kumbhak. Thereafter, keeping it for short time, slowly and slowly
discharge it.
1. Person
performing Plavini Pranayama, gets strength to live without food up to many
more days.
2. All illness
of stomach are removed by this Pranayama.
Normally, Pranayama is of two types:
1. Unuttered
Pranayama and Uttered Pranayama.
1) Unuttered Pranayama means it is
such type of Pranayama in which the action of breathing and de-breathing is to
be done, no any utterance should be made.
2) Uttered Pranayama means it
is such type of Pranayama in which along with the action of breathing and
de-breathing, any chant or utterances of different type is to be done jointly.
So, we shall get information about various types of uttered Pranayama.
Pranayam such as we know Aumkar, but there is another uttered Pranayam, in
which the word Rama is to be uttered. Hence we shall not get information about