Custom Bg
Thread Neti

Sutra means thread or tag. Take one cotton thread, it is prepared by making solid by wax, is called thread.  




Bend front side of thread little insert it in any nose hole. Insert the tread slowly and slowly in, when the tread comes up to mouth, at that time hold it by right hand finger and thumb and start to take it out from mouth and after that make brushing from top and bottom and remove it slowly from way of mouth, wash it thereafter. Presently instead of such type of wax thread, the experiment is also done by thin plastic tube, which is available in each medical shop.


Special Note:

At the time of brushing up and down, a special attention be kept that internal muscles do not suffer difficulty and during this process breathing and discharge be made by mouth. 


1. Any type of closed nose gets opened easily. .

2. It is effective remedy for persons suffering from nose voice in sleep. 

3. Eyes are maintained.