Bellow is called Bhastrika in
Method: Firstly sit in a pleasant sit. Thereafter, raise
both hands up, take one deep breath and discharge the breath like a bellow of
ironsmith. Initially do like this for 5-10 times speedily.
Special note: In the summer or
hot time, Bhastrika Pranayama be performed only in the morning. After doing for
4-5 times, upon taking rest for short time, make its study for 4-5 times second
time and be made like this thrice for five times.
1. Bhastrika Pranayama extinguishes three types of
vices, gas, acidity and cough.
2. By this Pranayama, stomach energy enriches by
removing poor stomach energy.
3. Better effect is done on throat diseases.
4. Bhastrika Pranayama charges Madhama Nadi i.e.
Susumna Nadi.
5. By Bhastrika Pranayama the anti-oxidant
substances from the body is removed.