Custom Bg
Baddh Padmasan

Preparatory Poses




1. Assume the padmasana position.

2. Cross your arms behind your back.

3. While breathing out, lean forward slightly and grab the big toe of each foot with the respective hand (grab right big toe with right hand and left big toe with left hand).

4. If you experience difficulty in grabbing your toes, stretch your back and bring your shoulder blades closer together. First grab the big toe that is the uppermost of the two, and then attempt to grab the big toe of the other foot.

5. Inhale deeply.

6. Exhale and bend forward. Try to touch your forehead to the floor. Maintain this position for as long as you feel comfortable.

7. Resume padmasana. Repeat the asana, this time crossing the legs the other way.



1. Begin in the baddha padmasana position.

2. First inhale deeply. Then, while exhaling, bend forward into the yogamudrasana position.

3. Keep exhaling and try to touch your right knee and then your left knee with your forehead.

4. Bring your head back to the middle between both knees.

5. While inhaling, slowly bring your head and body back up.



1. Deep and slow in the ending position.


Additional Contraindications/Cautions

1. Pregnant Women



1. This pose can be maintained for as long as it is comfortable.


Anatomical Focus

1. Breathing

2. Balance


Benefits and Therapeutic Applications

1. Promotes typical growth in children who have poorly developed chests.

2. Helps with pain in the back, shoulders, and arms.

3. Massages the internal organs.

4. Increases leg flexibility.

5. Helps correct posture problems resulting from abnormal spinal curvature.



1. Anahata Chakra