Custom Bg

Asana - name: Tree Pose 

Sanskrit - name: Vrikshasan 

Meaning: Tree Pose 

General Benefits:

Generally with any movement some muscles are stretched while others are contracted. In this asana all muscles are worked and stretched in the same direction which helps to remove the spasms of every muscle as well as releasing any tension that may have built up. This gives rest and relaxation to the body. Helps bone development and proper alignment of the vertebral column.


Benefits for Women:


Therapeutic Applications: Stress, Anxiety


Taking the Position:

In standing position exhale and while inhaling stretch both arms above the head from the sides and join the palms. Lift the heels, stand on the toes and pull the whole body upwards. Maintain the asana, breathe normally.


Releasing the Positions:

Inhale and while exhaling slowly lower both arms down from the sides. Lower the heels to the floor and return to standing position.


Anatomical Focus:

The stretch on the whole body.